Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Arrival of Advent

I am so excited for Advent to begin today.  I enjoy pausing in the midst of all the hustle and bustle to really think about what Advent really is and means.  The word “Advent” means “the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.”  For those who believe Jesus is the Messiah, Advent is all about the waiting, hoping, and preparation for His arrival. 

As I ponder the characters in the Christmas story I wonder about how they were waiting, hoping, and preparing.  It’s not unlike my own story. Or maybe yours. Aren’t we all waiting for something? Hoping for something?  Preparing for something?  For me it used to be waiting until I found someone I wished to marry and spend the rest of my life with.  Would I ever meet him?  Or, I hoped, by some miracle my dad would be cured of his Louis Gehrig’s disease.  Or, I prepared for my son’s birth…thinking he would follow the family trend of being born weeks early…only to have him be two weeks late.  Waiting is never fun.  It’s hard. It’s work.  It takes encouragement and determination to hold on. To not let go.

I’m sure Isaiah had hoped he’d see the Messiah come and fulfill all that he had prophesied.  My guess is the shepherds were encouraged (along with being scared) that the long awaited Messiah was really finally coming.  I think Mary held tight to the fact that someday others would finally see that her hoping in the Lord was honorable.  So honorable, that she became the mother of the Messiah, the Savior.  She endured shame and rejection, but clung to what she knew to be true.

May I continue to do the same.  Hold tight to what I know to be true.  Keep hoping when it seems impossible.  And prepare.  Prepare for what is yet to come.  Prepare my heart for what matters most.  Prepare my children by investing in them.

I wanted to share with you a few simple things we’ll be doing this season.  We’ll be lighting advent candles each week (beginning today), and then the fifth candle will be lit on Christmas Day.  Each means something significant.  In the past, I’ve printed coloring sheets for the boys to color the candles instead of lighting real ones.  We’ve also made a paper plate wreath, and cut out three purple and one pink circle to set tea lights on.  This year I found an advent candle stand at a second hand shop.  So, we’ll light the appropriate candles each week, and talk about its meaning.  I found some simple prayers I’m posting on our wall by our dining table to help us remember.

I find it’s so easy to get caught up all that our society says about Christmas.  And we have to be intentional about slowing down, pausing to remember what’s true, and taking time to ponder it and be encouraged by it.  The truth is that Jesus IS Truth (John 14:6). He is our Savior, the long awaited Messiah.  We might spend our whole lives waiting in lines, hoping for something to change.  Whether it’s hoping and waiting for the little things or big things…it still drains us.  Leaving us thirsty.  But the only thing that can truly satisfy is Jesus (Matt. 11:28). Only He has the power to rescue us from the kingdom of darkness (Col. 1:13). Only He can breathe hope and joy and love into us that is eternal.

May you, along with our family, pause this season to be filled up.  To remember, and refocus, re-invite our Savior in.


p.s., here are the prayers we’ll be using this year:

Candle 1 (purple) This is the candle of hope, aka the prophecy candle.  Prayer: Come Lord Jesus fill my heart with hope.

Candle 2 (purple) This is the candle of peace, aka the Bethlehem candle, as well as the candle of preparation. Prayer: Come Lord Jesus fill my heart with peace.

Candle 3 (pink or rose) This is the candle of joy, aka the Shepherd’s candle.  Prayer: Come Lord Jesus fill my heart with joy.

Candle 4 (purple) This is the candle of love, aka the Angel’s candle. Prayer: Come Lord Jesus fill my heart with love.

Candle 5 (white) This is the Christ candle. Prayer: Come, let us adore him.  Jesus, the Savior, has been born!

Here's a simple coloring sheet of the candles: