Saturday, March 31, 2012

Homemade Resurrection Eggs

This is going to be our activity this week.  I'll keep you posted as to how it goes...and try to take a photo of our eggs once we make them.  Thought I'd share this before we do case of you are interested in doing it with your kids as well.  Happy Easter!

Preschool  Easter Activity
Thriving Family April 2012

Retell and celebrate the Resurrection story with your child by creating a preschool version of “Resurrection eggs.” Gather six plastic eggs, each a different color. Place the following items inside, one item per egg: bread crumb, paper cross, strip of cloth, rock and piece of candy. One egg will remain empty. As you tell the Resurrection story, let your child open the eggs. Explain each item in the following order:
1.       Bread crumb: Jesus ate dinner with His friends. (Luke 22:14-15)
2.       Cross: The next day, Jesus died on the Cross. (John 19:17-18)
3.       Strip of cloth: He was wrapped in cloth and placed in a tomb. (John 19:40)
4.       Rock: A stone was placed in front of the tomb. (Matthew 27:59-60)
5.       Empty egg: Jesus’ friends came to the tomb and saw the stone had been moved. The tomb was empty! (Luke 24:1-3)
6.       Candy: Jesus is alive. That’s the sweet surprise of Easter. (Matthew 28:5-6)
Once you’ve finished sharing the Resurrection story with your child, encourage him/her to use the eggs to tell the story in his/her own words. 

Other resources:

Friday, March 30, 2012

Good Friday thoughts

Isaiah 53:3-4

The Message (MSG)
 2-6The servant grew up before God—a scrawny seedling, 
   a scrubby plant in a parched field.
There was nothing attractive about him, 
   nothing to cause us to take a second look.
He was looked down on and passed over, 
   a man who suffered, who knew pain firsthand.
One look at him and people turned away. 
   We looked down on him, thought he was scum.
But the fact is, it was our pains he carried— 
   our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us.
We thought he brought it on himself, 
   that God was punishing him for his own failures.
But it was our sins that did that to him, 
   that ripped and tore and crushed him—our sins!
He took the punishment, and that made us whole. 
   Through his bruises we get healed.
We're all like sheep who've wandered off and gotten lost. 
   We've all done our own thing, gone our own way.
And God has piled all our sins, everything we've done wrong, 
   on him, on him.

Jesus, forgive me for only barely understanding all that it is you did for me.  That you not only carried my sins, but the whole worlds.  I cannot even begin to imagine how horrible and heavy, thick and rancid, emotional and overwhelming that must have been.  When I'm carrying my own sin around it distorts my vision, creates physical presences such as headaches and muscle's hurting, can give gloom to my day and my being.  It can cripple me at times. And left to linger it eats away at me.  Oh, the disgusting thought that you must have felt similar things....while baring the sin of not just one man....but all mankind....and not just one sin, but a lifetime of sins.  And none your own.  You had never known the horror and separation it brings from life, from God.  You had never sinned. And yet our sin separated you from God the Father...because that's what sin does. It separates. It divides.

You continued to bare our sin even when people mocked you. Put thorns on your head. Beat you. Humiliated you.  You could have changed your mind at any time. These weren't your sins to carry.  You could have called the wrath of God down on those who hurt you, who despised you.  You could have asked the angels to attend you. But you didn't. You continued on to the very you could say, "It is finished." So the curse could be BROKEN.  That we could have the opportunity of being freed from the curse of sin and death. Something we could never do on our own.

I am overwhelmed at what you did for me. For all of us. Thank you. Thank you.

I desire to live my life for you. I truly do.  And at times I find hard.  And much of the time I find I am distracted by the world around me.  But I want to live for you.  Please help me. Help me to lean on your Holy Spirit.  Help me to be focused and intentional about how I live me life. And when my emotions blind me, give me clarity.  I am Yours, and I desire to live for You.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Poem about Doris Johnson (my grandma, and my children's Great Grandma)

When I think of Nana,
I think of a woman with many names:
Doris, Dode, Mom, Nana & GG.
I think of a woman who loved her family greatly.

When I think of Nana,
I think of a Matriarch,
a hen mothering her chicks,
wondering how all her children are,
and saying a prayer for wherever they are.

When I think of Nana,
I think of split pea soup with ham,
pizza parties, dilly bars, and ice cream.
I think of gnomes, a hidden key, and many a family gathering.

When I think of Nana,
I recall road trips to Ellensburg & California,
camping with her & Papa in the camper,
the smell of Downy, and my surprise at her false teeth.

When I think of Nana,
I remember feeding horses on neighborhood walks,
Harry her neighbor, hiding when delivering May Day flowers,
her & Papa staying with us kids when my parents traveled,
Missy being born on the couch.

When I think of Nana,
I will always think of a woman that loved her family,
Someone who enjoyed visiting, holding little ones,
singing old church songs, and excited to someday live in Heaven.

She is there now, and she is happy.
She is singing with her Savior, & holding her husband's hand.
Her body is young and able,
and she prays that we will all join her there one day.
This is what I think of when I think of Nana.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Not Giving Up

Oh, the joys of parenting! Monday the verse at our mom's group was Galatians 6:9, "Let us not grow weary of doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."  It was encouraging us moms to keep instilling good virtues into our children; to keep sharing with them about the Lord, His Word, and how that plays out into our everyday lives; to not give up...even when it sounds like we're a broken record telling our kids to put away their shoes, or be kind to one another, etc.

That verse has continued to play in my mind a lot this week.  We all have those moments (sometimes more often than not) that just feel overwhelming or frustrating. 

Today at the grocery store I had a moment where I am proud to say I feel like I did the right thing, and I think my kids learned a lesson! (Hooray....because I can also attest to that is not always the case for myself or my kids). They were having a hard time listening and obeying the whole shopping experience. Running, hiding, and in particular sitting on the grocery racks & then again on a bunch of soda cans that were for sale.  They had already been scolded, taken a time out, etc.  We went out to the car (me frustrated) and as I loaded the car with the groceries I felt like God gave me an idea.  I then proceeded to have another chat with my kids about how it was not only them being disobedient to me, but being disrespectful to the store owners, workers, and other shoppers. Then I had them walk back into the store and apologize to the checkout clerk we had been with earlier.  They became very serious, I think perhaps a little nervous. They apologized, sharing what it was specifically that they had done to be disrespectful, and then asked for forgiveness. I must say I was not anticipating the look of shock on the clerks' face, nor that of those in line.  But he forgave them, and my kids went into the next store with me much more helpful and obedient.  =)

It is my hope that my boys will grow up being respectful of other people and their property. The good news about Galatians 6:9 is it says we'll reap a harvest if we don't give up.  So, bit by bit we'll keep "planting" and I'm looking forward to the "harvest" when they don't need me to remind them of the right thing to do. In the mean time...may the Lord continue to help me "not give up" because there are for sure times that I feel that way.

Blessings on all of you! 