Thursday, March 1, 2012

Not Giving Up

Oh, the joys of parenting! Monday the verse at our mom's group was Galatians 6:9, "Let us not grow weary of doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."  It was encouraging us moms to keep instilling good virtues into our children; to keep sharing with them about the Lord, His Word, and how that plays out into our everyday lives; to not give up...even when it sounds like we're a broken record telling our kids to put away their shoes, or be kind to one another, etc.

That verse has continued to play in my mind a lot this week.  We all have those moments (sometimes more often than not) that just feel overwhelming or frustrating. 

Today at the grocery store I had a moment where I am proud to say I feel like I did the right thing, and I think my kids learned a lesson! (Hooray....because I can also attest to that is not always the case for myself or my kids). They were having a hard time listening and obeying the whole shopping experience. Running, hiding, and in particular sitting on the grocery racks & then again on a bunch of soda cans that were for sale.  They had already been scolded, taken a time out, etc.  We went out to the car (me frustrated) and as I loaded the car with the groceries I felt like God gave me an idea.  I then proceeded to have another chat with my kids about how it was not only them being disobedient to me, but being disrespectful to the store owners, workers, and other shoppers. Then I had them walk back into the store and apologize to the checkout clerk we had been with earlier.  They became very serious, I think perhaps a little nervous. They apologized, sharing what it was specifically that they had done to be disrespectful, and then asked for forgiveness. I must say I was not anticipating the look of shock on the clerks' face, nor that of those in line.  But he forgave them, and my kids went into the next store with me much more helpful and obedient.  =)

It is my hope that my boys will grow up being respectful of other people and their property. The good news about Galatians 6:9 is it says we'll reap a harvest if we don't give up.  So, bit by bit we'll keep "planting" and I'm looking forward to the "harvest" when they don't need me to remind them of the right thing to do. In the mean time...may the Lord continue to help me "not give up" because there are for sure times that I feel that way.

Blessings on all of you! 

1 comment:

  1. Awsome Michelle! That was a wonderful idea! I am sure it spoke wonders to all those who were present in the store.
