Thursday, December 24, 2015

2015 White Family Christmas Letter

December 2015

Greetings Friends and Family,

Merry Christmas from The White House! =)  It is so amazing to think that 2015 is nearing its completion, and that a new year is about to begin.  Time passes by quickly.  Remember when it took “forever” for a whole year to pass?!

Marcelo is in 1st grade this year, and loves reading, tinkering, and is very detailed.  He is very determined in most everything he does, or doesn’t do.  He played his first team sport this year, and has since decided he plans to be a professional soccer player.  Obviously, he ended up loving soccer!

Ethan is in the 4th grade this year, and also loves reading, art, music, and sports.  He is detailed as well, and this particularly shines in his drawings or art projects.  He is also a gifted athlete.  He is currently playing basketball, played soccer earlier this year, and dreams of being a professional football player.  Both boys learned how to play chess this year, and I’m amazed at their ability to strategize.

Although Mario has been a pastor for over 10 years, this year he pursued becoming a licensed minister with the Assemblies of God.  In addition to being on the pastoral staff at our church, he oversees a counseling ministry at the church, and has his own private counseling practice in a nearby town.  He is the lead pastor for our 5pm service on Sundays, and we love being a part of our church and community.  He also had the opportunity to climb Mt. Adams this year, and hopes to climb Mt. Rainer in the near future! Michelle continues teaching Spanish to elementary aged students, and leading a Summer Enrichment program through our church’s preschool.  A highlight for her continues to be leading a week long Missions Emphasis week for elementary aged students, sharing about Unreached People Groups (UPG) and praying for our church’s adopted UPG’s.

More than anything, we are thankful to the Lord for His great gift of salvation. Because of Jesus, we no longer need to be separated from God.  This Truth offers us hope daily, in both the good times and the hard. It is our deepest desire that you each know God’s immense love for you. Whether or not you know Him, may this year mark a newness in your understanding of His love for you.  May this be true for our family as well.


Mario, Michelle, Ethan and Marcelo White

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.”         Isaiah 9:6

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