Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas GIVING

This year we have been attempting to help the boys learn that Christmas time is not just for getting, but for giving.  Now, when we pass by a Salvation Army volunteer ringing a bell the boys get all excited, shouting “there is one of Santa’s helpers!” (or as Marcelo says, “There’s Santa!).  =)  They are eager to share some of their change into the red bucket, ring the bell, and share with those in need.

We also bought some ducks from the World Vision gift catalog…helping a family in somewhere like Bangladesh that has been flooding a lot.  This way…even if it rains, the ducks can still survive since they can swim!  Ethan has asked if duck eggs taste like chicken eggs…any answers anyone??  I told him I thought probably pretty close.  =)

The biggest “hands on” Christmas “giving” we did though was help put together the Christmas food baskets at our church.  What a delight!  16 kids and 8 adults worked hard on putting the 60 boxes together.  There are so many people going through hard times.  And I want to be a part of the solution and help.  And I want my kids to be as well.  I don’t want Christmas, or any other time of the year, to be an “all about me” time.  I want to teach my kids, and remind myself, that there are people in NEED; people who don’t have food, shelter, or warmth…living RIGHT HERE.  We can be a part of the solution and be a blessing.  AND by helping it brings perspective to our own lives. 

Thank you Lord for all the blessings you have given us.  Please help us to be mindful of them.  And please help us to be ready at any time to be a blessing to those around us going through hard times. 

Merry Christmas Eve to all of you!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Marcelo praying in Sunday School

I just thought this was too funny and sweet not to share....below is an email from Marcelo's Sunday School teacher:

When I got all the kids seated at the table with their snacks-  I asked Marcelo if he would pray for snack.  He said he would.  What followed was about twenty seconds of the cutest thing I've ever witnessed.  I couldn't understand most of it, but I heard "thank you" at least twice.  I think he might have used the words "corndog," "percolator" and "Cincinnati."  Anyway, what an adorable "little fella"
-Erik (2 year old's teacher)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hale Hokua

As I sit here on the North Shore, hearing the waves crashing methodically, I have this overwhelming sense that dad is missing.  Some moments I think I could walk around the corner and see him reading out on the back porch.  Or, perhaps come in the front door after being gone on an excursion. 
We are having a great time here, boogie boarding, building sand castles, and eating great food.  And by no means does the abscence of dad prohibit us from having a great time.  I'm just saying his abscence is noticable.  I am certain he is watching from above enjoying us all enjoying this wonderful place on earth. 
There are certain memories that seem so clear as I sit and close my eyes on the back porch. I recall reading and discussing many books together in this same spot.  I think the last book I read here was The Shack.  I think just like in that book when there is a moment where the main character gets to see and talk with his daughter who had passed away, I think being here provides almost a similar moment.  Even more similar is JP's dream about a week ago at home where he did get to talk with Papa Ray and dad.
I can almost hear dad laughing when JP or Mario plays with the kids....swinging them around, throwing them in the air, or helping them play at the beach.  I can almost hear dad comment on how incredible Fumi's Shrimp is, or Ted's Bakery's guava butter shrimp sandwich.  And I feel a little bit like driving to find the church he went to in high school, just because dad would do so, and he would want to say hi to whoever pastors there now.  =)
I am very glad we did not come here right away after dad passed away.  I know we all wished we could escape and flee to wonderful relaxation.  A place with no feeding tubes, no round the clock caregivers, etc. It would have been wonderful, but would have left us without something to look forward to in the near future.  I think each of us getting a chance to process, to heal, to figure out our new norm, has allowed us to come to the North Shore and more than relax...but have fun.  I think that may have been hard to do immediately after dad's homegoing.
I smile right now as I hear the kids singing outside.  They have definitely been our little entertainers.  I also chuckle thinking of dad doing the hula at the Polynesian Cultural Center, or the pig hunt there as well. Random thought, I know. I am also saddened to see his empty place on the bed he and mom shared here, but hope that the grandkids having cartoon time with Nana helps heal a little part of that place in mom's heart. 
God is good, and I wouldn't trade my life.  I wouldn't want my dad to return to that horrible disease just so I could have him around.  And I wouldn't trade my parent's for anyone else's parents.  God blessed me so much, and really I am grateful.  As I close this "letter" I think of the phrase, "Blessed to be a blessing", and I think that applies here too.  I have been blessed with my family.  Not just the one I was raised in, but the one I live life with now.  And really my whole family is blessed.  And so, we aren't supposed to keep it to ourselves...we are meant to bless others, in order to share God's love and goodness with others.  May we do it well

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Insanity, Chaos, & a New Perspective

It's not easy raising little warriors.....can anyone else relate??  Ethan (almost 5) and Marcelo (2) are so FULL of energy it's CRAZY most of the time.  =)  And they currently seem to have a love/hate relationship.  Mostly they love each other...but they play games like "let's push each other and laugh and laugh until someone gets hurt." (Of course that's not what they call the game. I think they actually refer to it as BONK, and they, of course, never "mean" for anyone to get hurt).

They also really like the "let's sing, shout, stomp, and scream to make mom go crazy" game. I was thinking today it is REALLY good we don't live in an apartment.

But then in the midst of it all there are these WONDERFUL PRECIOUS moments that melt my heart.  Like Marcelo ALWAYS saying "thank you mom" whether I give him a cookie, a car to play with, or open a door for him. Or Ethan exclaiming, "Mom, this dinner is GREAT!!!"

Mario and I talk occasionally how when we take time to think about it, we are probably A LOT like our kids in how we act towards our Heavenly Father. I am SO GLAD He has soooooo much more patience that I do!!! I can't imagine how many "time out's" I'd be in.  (Or that maybe I've been in and thought it was all God's fault instead of my own).

Well, nothing like having kids to help us live with a mix of near insanity and gaining a new perspective on our personal relationship with the Lord.  Hmmmm...think that was on purpose??  I do.   =)

Enjoy the last bit of September!!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Feeling Amish

Each year I feel a little more and more Amish.  I know that sounds funny, but with waking up at 5am (courtesy of Marcelo), farmer Mario attending to our garden, and my attempting to cook more and more from scratch….it’s the best thing I have to compare how I feel right now.  Even better is that I like it.  =)

Some things in our garden aren’t growing as well as we would like…for instance the tomatoes grow…but don’t want to turn red.  But others seem to produce in very large quantities.  Like the squash and zucchini.  I’ve been blanching and freezing to no end!  Zucchini bread anyone?  Grilled Zucchini? Zucchini fries? How about Zucchini soup, or scrambled eggs mixed with shredded zucchini? 

Really though, our garden has been a huge blessing.  We’ve also got green beans, a couple varieties of lettuce, spinach, bell peppers, onions, and hubbard squash.  Any ideas of what to do with a hubbard squash?  They still have a been longer in the garden to grow…but starting to search our recipes now.  =)

We were also given some wonderful peaches from a family friend, and some apples from our neighbors, so I’ve been canning….and we now have jars of applesauce and peaches ready to eat in the winter!  And lots of wild blackberries too!  Like I said….I’m starting to feel Amish.

As I think about my boys, I think my favorite quote this week was Ethan talking to Marcelo.  We were in the car, and I could see them in the rear view mirror as Ethan leaned over to get a little closer to Marcelo.  Then he said, “Hey, Marcelo, when we grow up, let’s be friends.”  Marcelo’s response, “Ok.” Gotta love it!

Enjoy what little sunshine and good weather we might have left!  It was wonderful to have it return this past week!


Friday, September 2, 2011

A New Season

We have definitely entered a new season in our lives...and in many ways it is like a breath of fresh air.  After three long and heavy years, Mario has finished his Masters in Counseling! That means no more commuting to Seattle, no more homework, no more internship--while working full time.  Praise the Lord!  It is wonderful knowing he is coming home for dinner, him having more time to be with the boys, watching him "farm" in our garden, etc.
It also continues to be an adjustment to life without my dad. In so many ways there is a relief that the hardship of caring for him is over.  And yet, I miss him. We miss him.
And this week Ethan started preschool three afternoons a week....and it happens to be during Marcelo's nap time...which means this mom of two VERY active boys gets a chance to take a break!!! Who knows, maybe I'll actually clean my house!  Or enjoy a cup of coffee in silence!  Ahhhh...just thinking about it brings a smile to my face!
Well, I'm off to ensure Ethan eats some lunch before he heads out the door to preschool! Have a great day and weekend everyone!

Raising Warriors?

You may ask why I named this blog spot Raising Warriors...but not only do Mario and I hope to raise up our children to be Warriors for the Lord, their names both mean warrior.  Ethan's name means courageous warrior (& Ethan was one of David's mighty men), and Marcelo means little warrior. Pretty funny---since he's not so little.  (He is in the 97% for his age for height, and it is estimated he will be 6 ft 4 in when fully grown!)

As we are on this en devour of raising and training our children (which takes up most of our lives right now), I thought I'd blog about I'd take time to pause and reflect in the midst of this journey, and to share my journey with any of you wanting to hear what's happening in our lives.'s to my first blog!